Walk with me, Down the memory lane !!
A couple of years ago on 21.08.2015….
A casual mountain spree, out of boredom, lead to something cognizable
Somehow after that mountain spree, I knew that “THE TRAVEL BUG” had bitten me hard. Adrenaline junk, billion star nights, unfamiliar sand particles, and seraphic sunsets had started inciting me. I had lost a part of my heart to the Himalayas and that obstinate part of my heart was unwilling to ever return.
That exquisite jiffy of gawking at the mountains, and the fresh breeze caressing my curly tresses entrapped me to every existing element of the landscape. How much so I wished to never let that feeling escape, only to discern that somethings exist only in the wild. At that instant, I just craved to freeze time and maybe that’s why I am here, penning this down so that I can re-live the time I just couldn’t freeze. 🙂
It’s rightly said, “If your dreams don’t scare you, they are not big enough”, Such theoretical quotes hold much practicality for me today. The thought that I might just die someday without striking off my entire bucket list somehow makes me uneasy.
Having seen the world on the other side of the window, today when I stand before the mirror gazing at myself and recalling the past, I discern that I am not the same person anymore. With each beautiful sunrise in my life, there will be a new me (and that’s exactly what “Navneet” means). All this makes me want to grow and explore what seem like dead ends. All this makes me unstoppable!
Well, this is my story. Amidst all such life thoughts, bucket list goals and the constant switching of roles between being a doctor, a traveler, and yet another aspiring blogger; LETTERS TO NEET happened!
So, I welcome you all to experience the world through my letters! 😉

“To move, to breathe, to fly, to float, To gain all while you give,
To roam the roads of lands remote: To travel is to live.”
Hans Christian Andersen